A downloadable trash for Windows

This is both the first game that I ever made for a Jam, and the worst game that I have ever made. Ever.

The download is so big because 2018 me managed to include all of the source code in the download. L + Ratio + Skill Issue + You're 15

 It's just the worst. Featuring Intellectual Property Rights Infringement! (I was literally like 15, okay. I'm sure that it's fine)

(also 2023 me has edited this to be readable because EW EW GROSS KILL IT)

(anyway i will never touch this again hopefully)



wasd: movement

mouse: look

space: jump

 scroll wheel: change weapons

you are in a dystopian world and forgot to obey potato. fight seven waves of drones to win the game.

features: not being able to see your health, glitchy graphics, a short amount of gameplay, and headache inducing text.


smg- fast, but low damage.

heavy- high damage low speed.

afterburner- a flamethrower that does little to no damage, but can launch both the player and enemies into the air. it also blocks the drone's vision due to what is totally a feature, not a bug.





San Dingo- Midnight Rain: https://youtu.be/rzE5_JQ9B6A, https://youtu.be/Yq0lG5-NVSo

Eva – Everything is a Jawn: https://youtu.be/1BzGn9BE3t4

Scott Buckley – Supernova: https://youtu.be/rzE5_JQ9B6A


so bad its good.zip 183 MB

Install instructions

extract the files and open the file dystopian drone shooter.

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